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- From: Marcus <marcus@telis.org>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Mr. FunGus -- Factually impoverished
- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 21:35:55 -0700
- Organization: TELIS
- Lines: 37
- Message-ID: <31C783AB.103D@telis.org>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88332 alt.paranet.ufo:53736 alt.alien.research:26139 sci.skeptic:72580
- Mark O'Leary wrote:
- > ................<snip>.................................
- >
- > Well, a small company that may not even be in business now 50 yrs on (btw:
- > Am I correct in recalling that after several posts you admitted that the
- > 'ice' testimony wasnt obtained at the time, but is more modern?) is probably
- > not a good hope for recovering sales records... But as I've mentioned 3 or 4
- > times now, transporting dry ice in cargo planes requires special handling
- > documentation. In an organisation like the military, such trivial stuff
- > tends to be retained. Do you have this material? If not, why do you persist
- > in beleiving that the flights with dry ice on board were made?
- >.
- >.................<snip>...................................
- >
- >RE: Special Handling Documents I have recently worked shipping hazardous materials for the DOD (Army), that require
- these "Special Handling Documents",and do now work at an Air Force Base, doing the same.
- The "Special handling documentation" is a form called an "MSDS"
- (Material Safety Data Sheet) that has listed just about everything known about
- the cargo in question. One copy goes on the material container its self and
- the driver or pilot carries a copy, plus a form designated DD 1348-1 which routes the
- material from point A to point B, with other minor info such as cost, type of
- transportation (air,rail,truck etc), security code, condition code, type of cargo, etc.
- Thats it.
- These 2 documents are collected at the destination, if classified, the driver or pilot
- would Definatly not keep any documentation.
- 2 Questions:
- 1> What special handling documentation, specifically, are you referring to, if different
- from that stated above?
- 2> What makes you think these Special Handling Documents pertaining to classified
- freight are available to Joe Public to prove your point?
- I'd like to where your knowelege lies on this subject, since you use it as a proof.
- <marcus>